What Are Some Long-Term Care Options for Aging Parents?

When your parent reaches an age where they can no longer take care of their daily tasks without assistance, you might start looking into long-term care options that are available to you and your loved one as you try to help them through this new phase of life.
Thankfully, there are lots of options available, both part-time, and full-time, and for various budgets.
Here are some long-term care options for your elderly loved one that you might want to consider.
Paid Caregivers
For older adults who want to remain in their own home but require some help, paid caregivers are a great choice.
These caregivers can come to the client’s home on a predetermined schedule. They can help with anything that’s needed including giving baths, assisting with dressing or going to the restroom, tidying up, or cooking meals.
If your parent needs someone to supervise their medication or change dressings, a certified nursing assistant, or home health aide, can offer these services. The hourly rates for these caregivers will vary depending on the city.
Informal Caregivers
Where money is an issue, an informal caregiver is another of many long-term care options. With help from the National Family Caregiver Support Program, which provides grants to states for caregiving assistance, you can find someone in your area who can provide affordable assistance. Contact the NFCSP to learn more.
There are also some fantastic senior caregivers who want to provide friendship and assistance to others like themselves. Sometimes, elderly citizens in need will be most responsive to receiving help from their peers and will appreciate the companionship.
Adult Foster Care
Adult foster care takes a home-like facility and welcomes a small number of elderly residents.
A paid staff is on hand throughout the day and evening to give medication and help with daily care needs, transportation, and meals. Adult foster care is a popular option for those looking for a small group of residents, usually around 5 total.
Adult Day Care
Adult day care centers have a lot in common with daycare facilities for children. During the day, the elderly adult is dropped off at the adult day care where they can be assisted with all their needs while their family member goes to work or takes a break from caregiving duties.
You can choose if you’re going to have your parent go to the adult daycare facility a couple days a week or every day. There are thousands of adult daycare centers in the country.
Community Resources Offer Some Long-Term Care Options
Some communities have faith-based volunteer groups that provide services to their elderly neighbors. They find transportation to doctor’s appointments, help with trips to the grocery store, or make weekly visits to check in and keep your parent company.
Ask around at your local churches, mosques, or other places of worship to see what’s available. Sometimes it’s as simple as a book-club meetup for the elderly, or movie night. But you might be able to find help from other volunteers who can help with daily activities.
Find The Perfect Caregiver Situation
To learn more about the long-term care options in your area, check out a list of our services.
You’ll also find opportunities both for providing care or receiving care through our website. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions!
For more on this subject, check out: “How To Fund Home Care for Your Loved Ones.”