5 Signs It’s Time to Hire a Caregiver

Did you know the employment of personal caregivers is forecast to grow by a whopping 39 percent through 2026?
The aging baby boomer generation and the increasing population of the elderly are no doubt the main drivers behind this demand. These caregivers help seniors live a healthy and fulfilling life. They take care of housekeeping chores, assist in personal tasks such as bathing and dressing, and drive them to appointments.
Even with such a high demand, thousands — possibly millions — of people still don’t know when it’s time to hire a caregiver for themselves or for a loved one.
In this article, we’re sharing the signs you need to look out for.
Depression or Loneliness
Studies have established that lonely people are more likely to die from cardiovascular problems than people who aren’t lonely. Yet, about 11 million older adults live alone.
Yes, an older adult may be of sound mind and strong enough to take care of themselves properly and run their personal errands, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need a caregiver.
Hiring a caregiver will not only give you a person to lend a helping a hand but also someone to keep you company and crack a joke with. Don’t we all know a good laughter is good for the heart?
Missed Medications
8 in every 10 older Americans take at least one drug on a daily basis.
If you or your older adult loved one is missing their medication, that a sure sign it’s time to hire a personal caregiver.
Even though technologies to ensure patients don’t forget to take their medications are emerging, they are nowhere near the effectiveness of a personal caregiver.
Messy Home Environment
Let’s say, you pay your senior loved one a visit at their home.
You find them looking healthy and bubbly, but when you open the fridge to fetch a drink, you find expired foods. Elsewhere, laundry is piling up and generally, the environment is cluttered.
Such a home environment possibly means the occupant is becoming forgetful or their physical strength is waning, so they are unable to keep up with household chores.
Hire a caregiver for them.
Decline In Personal Care
Like keeping the home tidy and healthy, taking care of self also requires physical and mental effort. Perhaps your loved one forgets to take a bath daily, or dresses in the same clothes for two or more days in a row, or goes for several days without practicing oral hygiene.
All these signs point to the need to hire a caregiver for them.
Driving Dangerously
There are about 40 million older adults (65 years and above) licensed to drive. This is good news because seniors are safe drivers when compared to other age groups. They wear safety belts, don’t have a reputation for drinking and driving, and observed speed limits.
However, with old age comes a memory decline and increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, meaning some seniors are not suitable to drive. If you notice dents on their car or experience an uncomfortable drive while he or she is behind the wheel, don’t even think twice about it. A caregiver is the right person to drive them around.
Hire a Caregiver and Gain Greater Peace of Mind
If you’ve noticed any of these signs, hiring a caregiver is a move that will not only make your or your loved one’s life more fulfilling but also give you a greater peace of mind. Importantly, health and safety risks will be avoided.
Ready to find the best caregiver? We encourage you to take a step and reach out to us. We take pride in helping seniors by providing the best home care services.
For more on this subject, read our blog “Be Careful When Hiring a Caregiver for a Senior Loved One!”
Seniors Helping Seniors is a unique care program that matches seniors to other seniors in need of assistance, to continue activities they enjoy and remain independent and safe in familiar surroundings.
If you’re looking for assistance for yourself, a loved one, or you are a senior interested in providing care, please contact us or call us at 949-899-4472 to learn more.